• ¿Qué es un vino astringente?

    Cuántas veces hemos escuchado que el vino tinto debe ser astringente. Que tenemos que sentir el cuerpo en la boca. Pero ¿de qué hablamos cuando hablamos de astringencia? Lo más importante que vale la pena subrayar es que la astringencia es una sensación y que no es un gusto (como sí lo es lo dulce,
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  • Ceviche Peruano de Pescado

    El tradicional #cevicheperuano se prepara con pescado fresco, limones, cebollas, ajíes picantes, y cilantro fresco. El ceviche, también es correcto escribir ceviche o seviche, típicamente se prepara con pescado o marisco, el mismo que se curte con jugo de limón. La acidez del jugo de limón ayuda a “cocinar” al pescado. Hay que aclarar que
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  • Pinot Noir

    It is a strain of French origin, burgundy, being one of the most select varieties to make world varietal wines. It is a “difficult” variety, very variable in terms of the cultivation results from year to year. The aroma is reminiscent of flowers and red fruits and with the aging it brings truffles, vanilla, butter
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  • Carmenere

    Originally from the French Medoc region. It was exterminated in Europe by the phylloxera in the 19th century. In 1994, a French winemaker Jean Michel Bomsigniot discovered authentic specimens of this strain in Chile, which until then was considered Merlot. Since then it has been produced in the south of Santiago of Chile in Colchagua
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  • Why does a boat launch with a bottle?

    The launching of a ship is equivalent to the birth and baptism of a child, and it is a celebration that is celebrated with joy, and nothing better than the bubbles of a sparkling to celebrate it. The bubbles symbolize the birth, the ancestry inside the wine.

  • Why are rose bushes planted in vineyards?

    People who come to the vineyards are surprised to find rose bushes planted among the vines. The motif is not decorative, but preventive. The vines are extremely sensitive to the attack of a fungus, which causes a disease called “powdery mildew”, very harmful and difficult to eradicate if not detected early. This fungus also attacks
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